Pest Control – Capitalia Services


General Pest control includes treatment of general commonly found pests like Roaches, Ants, Spiders, Crickets, Flies, Fleas, and Ticks etc. It is accomplished by spraying of echo friendly liquid in the infested areas. It is totally safe.

Ant/rat/mouse /snakes

Depending on the species, thousands of ants can live with one or several queens in colonies. More than 6000 ant species are known. From a human viewpoint the queen is no more than a machine for laying eggs. She has an entourage of special workers and soldiers, who look after the larvae and protect the colony.

Preventive measures and controls.

  • Seal up all cracks and holes in walls.
  • Get rid of the targets of the ant routes.
  • Pour boiling water over the nests.
  • Use insecticides (Ant Bait Station, Ant Powder and Crawling Insect Spray).


Cockroaches, which hide in small cracks or crevices during the daytime, can reach lengths of 18 to 60 mm depending on species. They feed omnivorously on various organic substances, including tissue, leather and paper.

Their insect order is Blattodea and gave rise to the termites over 300 million years ago. They are regarded as pests because of a number of factors, some being their characteristic odor, reproductive abilities, contamination of food by their droppings and regurgitations and the spread of diseases.


Man creates the ideal environment for rats and mice by providing a constant source of food, water and harborage. Rodent control is necessary and desirable because rodents spread disease either through direct contact or as a vector for another organism.


All spiders belong to the class Arachnidan, have eight legs and two body sections; the cephalothoraxes and abdomen. The cephalothoraxes are a combination of a head and thorax found in insects. Palps (sensory organs) and fangs are at the front of the body.

House spiders are typically brownish or grayish in color. They are small to medium in size with a body length of about 1/8″ to 3/8″. Female house spiders have rounded abdomens while males have elongated abdomens. Spiders generally have poor eyesight and rely on sensing vibrations in their web to detect prey.


Bed-bugs are usually found in unhygienic conditions inside bedrooms as their name implies. They have a flattened appearance before a blood feed and are about five millimeters long with the look of a rather wide flea, reddish brown in color. They hide under the buttons and increases of old mattresses, behind wallpaper, skirting boards and cracks in the floor.

They are wingless so they can’t fly or jump like the flea. They are active during the night and have been known to drop from ceilings onto beds.

They can survive without a blood feed for up to a year. Bites can cause welts to appear on the skin with three rows of puncture marks being characteristic. Itchiness and irritation affect some people more than others.


Cleaning Bee Pest Control is committed to delivering world class service solutions for all our commercial clients. Every Cleaning Bee Pest Control technician is fully trained, certified and equipped with the best tools and pesticides to deal with your property in safe professional manner.


We understand that pests in your home are not simply an inconvenience; they pose a serious threat to you, your family and your property, and create serious anxiety. Cleaning Bee Pest Control has over 15 years of experience in the local residential market, and is committed to resolving your pest problems as quickly, safely and economically as possible.

Our Technicians are fully trained, licensed and certified. Simple things like wearing foot covers, using our own ladder and tools for the job are things that we do consistently, so that your property looks the same as when we arrived, minus the pests! A dedicated Customer Care Agent will handle your enquiries to make sure that you get the right service, at the right price, at the right time for all your pest needs.


Cleaning Bee Pest Control delivers businesses with complete pest control service solutions throughout Lebanon. Whether it is a large office building, a single residential tower or a school, we have the expertise and capability to take care of your pest control requirements whilst you get on with what you do best.


Cleaning Bee Pest Control understands that pests in hotels and restaurants pose a threat to people’s health, safety and most importantly the establishment’s reputation. We are totally committed and capable to deliver your business with world class expertise, delivery of prompt and reliable services and an attention to detail, just like the way your business is run.